Research indicates that people, on average, juggle around 15 different goals and projects simultaneously – that's a lot to handle! Each of these goals brings its own set of tasks and milestones, often leaving us feeling overwhelmed.
To free up mental space, many of us turn to a to-do list – a simple yet powerful approach that supports organising our thoughts and adding structure to our day. Putting pen to paper not only reduces stress but also instils a sense of control by facilitating effective time management, enhancing memory retention, and promoting overall organisation.
The Achieve & Thrive Focus Planner draws upon research and practical experience to help you feel in control of your workday, life, and support your mental well-being. Here's how:
Applying DUE Dates versus DO Dates:
The planner provides clarity by distinguishing between due dates (when tasks must be completed) and do dates (when you plan to execute them). This ensures that timelines are realistic and achievable, minimising stress and promoting a smoother workflow.
Addressing the "Planning Fallacy":
Understand the common "planning fallacy", where we tend to underestimate task durations. The Achieve & Thrive Focus Planner addresses this by offering dedicated project trackers and reflection logs. These tools allow for a detailed breakdown of each task and help gather valuable insights for future planning.
Reinforcing Breaks:
Acknowledging the importance of mental rejuvenation, the planner encourages short breaks, revitalising your mind, fuelling creativity, and contributing to enhanced mental well-being.
Setting Realistic Goals:
The Achieve & Thrive Focus Planner empowers you to approach goals realistically. Not everything needs to be done today. Learn how to break down larger goals into manageable tasks, fostering a sense of accomplishment along the way.
Providing Tools & Resources:
Going beyond task management, the Achieve & Thrive Planner dedicates a section to well-being, development, and productivity tools. Elevate your mental health with simple meditation techniques and embrace the Pomodoro Technique – an efficient time management method.